Friday, September 15, 2006
Online gamblers to swing November elections
Monday, September 11, 2006
Lottery sell-off plan ridiculed
The Chicago Tribune reports:
"Blagojevich has proposed a long-term lease of the state lottery, though the plan has met with lackluster legislative support. [GOP challenger Judy Baar Topinka, the state treasurer] recently proposed a land-based Chicago casino and additional gambling positions at existing casinos.Blagojevich's proposal would make Illinois the first state in the US to lease its lottery to a private vendor. The Democratic governor has suggested that a sale or lease could generate as much as $10 billion over a 4-year period. The money would go to fund Illinois schools.
Blagojevich said his proposal seeks "a new way to take advantage of a state asset" and said Topinka's plan "relies on a significant gaming expansion and on misguided budget priorities." Topinka said Blagojevich's plan "has been ridiculed statewide" and said her proposal "uses a stable funding mechanism" that will be sustained.
Blagojevich recently said that the response to the idea from potential partners had been "warm enough" that his financial advisors have significantly revised estimates of the payoff a deal could bring. "We think we can get 10, 12 maybe 15 billion dollars," he said.
Friday, September 08, 2006
US authorities on a mission
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Big sport joins the moral majority
The Online Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act, passed by the House in June and now moving to the Senate, requires banks and
The move for a ban has won the backing of conservative groups in Washington alarmed about the potent combination of the internet and activities they view as morally suspect. The
Many insiders think the bill's chances will be bouyed by anti-Jack Abramoff sentiment in Congress, as Republicans attempt to distance themselves from the disgraced Republican deal maker. Abramoff played a major role in the defeat of the first attempt to ban online gambling in 1997. Others think the Senate may delay a vote until after the elections given the political climate in Washington.
Smaller banks struggle to track terrorist funds
Ignoring a provision in the proposed new legislation directing the government to come up with an implementation plan that wouldn't be overly burdensome for banks, the Independent Community Bankers of America says the smaller banks don't have the resources to block offshore gambling transactions.
The American Bankers Association, which represents the nation's biggest banks, has not voiced the same level of concern. But the little guys are balking at the extra work involved in modernizing their systems and keeping the list of offshore casinos updated. "It would be extremely challenging," says one consultant, adding that "it is already difficult for banks to identify electronic transfers involving (...) known terrorists and drug dealers."
This sounds a bit like the arguments proponents of online file sharing and illegal downloading have been making for years: If it's difficult and complicated to police the internet, why bother trying? Three to five years after the first critics argued that it would be practically impossible to control the flow of illicit content, the volume of illegal file sharing has dropped and companies like iTunes are doing very well, thank you.
The major banks are a self-regulated force, proactively embracing money laundering and terrorist financing issues and gaining brownie points in the process. It would be surprising if whingers in the minor league were to erode the lawmakers' resolve.